Meets a Guide

the Customer is the hero, and they are looking for a guide. Every human being is on a transformational journey. Humans wake up self-identifying as the hero. And are troubled by internal, external, and philosophical conflicts. they know they can’t solve all their problems on their own.

The guide encourages the hero and equips them to win the day. How do I help them win the day?

must communicate: Empathy & Authority (competence)

When we empathize with our customer’s dilemma, we create a bond of trust. People trust those who understand them.

Every human being wants to be seen, heard, and understood. This is the essence of empathy.

Once we’ve identified our customer’s internal problem, we simply need to let them know we understand and would like to help them find a resolution.

need to give confidence in my ability to help

Can I trust this person? Can I respect this person?